DHEA - Hormone Health Clinic

What is DHEA?

DHEA, short for dehydroepiandrosterone, is an important hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Often called the “youth hormone,” DHEA levels peak around age 25 and steadily decline as we get older.

What does DHEA do?

DHEA is a precursor to other key hormones in the body like testosterone and estrogen. So while it may not be that active on its own, it plays a crucial role in maintaining hormone balance. Specifically, DHEA helps regulate:

Many people take DHEA supplements to help boost lagging levels, especially as a component of anti-aging or hormone therapy protocols.

DHEA supplements are available in capsule or tablet form from most health food stores. At Hormone Health Clinic, we provide pharmaceutical grade DHEA tailored to your individual hormonal needs, along with testing and monitoring throughout treatment.

DHEA Deficiency

Low DHEA can contribute to age-related decline across body systems from sexual function to bone mineral density. Deficiency may show up as:

Testing is the only way to confirm if your DHEA is suboptimal. At Hormone Health Clinic, our clinicians use blood tests to check hormones as well as genetic tests to determine your risk of deficiency. If low, we can provide customized therapies to bring your DHEA back up.

Dosage Considerations

The optimal DHEA dosage depends on your hormone levels and health goals. Most studies show benefits with supplemental doses of 50-200mg per day in men and up to 100mg per day in women. Higher amounts may be used to treat specific illnesses.

Since hormones like DHEA are powerful, work closely with your doctor to tailor supplementation and monitor progress. Have your levels checked regularly to maintain proper balance. Reach out to Hormone Health Clinic today to learn more about DHEA testing and safe, effective treatment.

Boost your DHEA levels and improve your health!

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