Obesity - Hormone Health Clinic

What is obesity?

Obesity is a complex health condition involving having an excessive amount of body fat. It occurs when a person consumes more calories from food and drink than their body uses for energy, activity and other functions. Over time, the extra calories lead to weight gain and obesity if the imbalance continues over several years.

There are a few key factors that lead to obesity:

The health impacts of obesity are serious if not properly managed:

Luckily there are ways to prevent and treat obesity through healthy lifestyle changes:

At Hormone Health Clinic, we specialize in customized care plans to help clients achieve sustainable weight loss through hormone balancing, nutrition planning, accountability coaching and more. Reach out today for a free consultation to start your transformation! Idiomatically speaking, we've helped hundreds rediscover their best self - you can too! Let's interject some positive change into your lifestyle.

I hope this overview on obesity and contributing factors helps provide more insight into this health condition affecting millions globally. Please let me know if you have any other questions! I'm happy to discuss this topic further.

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